Monday, June 21, 2010

Computer project

While my computer project is in limbo, I given thought to other things. Like, why are there so many external drive bays in my Thermaltake case (6)? I mean, how many external drives do you want or need? Maybe two.

Then I began reading articles about peripherals that fit in these bays. I saw fan controllers. They come in single bay and double bay height. Cute, but do they work? Is this a worthwhile investment?

Then there are card readers. Again, a nice idea, but how many times would I use it. I generally transfer files from my camera and camcorders by cable.

What else is there to fit in these bays? if you have any suggestions, pass them on.


Kaleidocherry said...

A DVD drive and a secondary DVD drive. That's what Mr. Kaleidocherry has.

A card reader and a DVD drive. That's what I have.

A card reader, a CD drive, and a DVD drive. That's what Kaleidocherry Jr. has.

Extra hard drives.

Those are my suggestions!

Don said...

Mary has a multicard reader on her desktop and I have a SD slot on my tablet, but we've used them only once or twice. It seems easier to hook up the transfer cable and be done with it.

How often do you use yours?