We should generate as much energy as we can at the point of use and then look to local, regional, and then look beyond. This could mean installing solar panels, both active and passive, backyard wind generators and Microhydro where feasible.
Wood stoves and fireplaces, if we have the resources to
harvest our own wood are also local solutions.
Alternatively, we can reduce the need for external energy
sources by reverting to hand tools and
muscle power instead of electricity.
- Hang your wash, instead of using the clothes dryer.
- Use a push mower, instead of a power mower.
- Mix your batter by hand, instead of using a power mixer.
- Read a book, instead of watching TV.
- The list goes on.
But what about other uses of technology?
Zone 1 – Walk, bike
Zone 2 – Motor scooter, local public transportation.
Zone 3 – Car pool.
Zone 4 - Intercity bus and rail.
Zone 5 – Rethink why this trip is necessary.
What are your thoughts on this? How do we solve the travel problem?
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