Saturday, April 28, 2012
Northern Wisdom
Northern Wisdom
by Eoghan Odinsson
I recently had the chance to review a book, Northern Wisdom, by Eoghan Odinsson. It’s subtitled, The Havamal, Tao of the North, but it is more a code of conduct than a philosophy. In this sense, it has more in common with The Code of the Bushido or The Prince by Machiavelli.
It’s a good read and I highly recommend it. With the permission of the author, I’ve listed a few excerpts from the book along with my comments.
Modernized Verse 38
Keep your weapons and tools close,
a man should not be without them.
You never know when you leave home,
what difficulties you may face.
Old Verse 38
Away from his arms in the open field
a man should fare not a foot;
For never he knows when the need for a spear
Shall arise on the distant road.
My Comment: Many people carry an EDC (Everyday Carry Bag) with emergency supplies in case a disaster happens while they are out and about. Be prepared for any emergency.
Modernized Verse 40
Many people work very hard to acquire things,
and then forget to enjoy all that they've worked for.
Take pleasure in what you've earned,
while you're still alive to do it.
Old Verse 40
If wealth a man has won for himself,
Let him never suffer in need;
Oft he saves for a foe what he plans for a friend,
For much goes worse than we wish.
My Comment: Don’t starve yourself now (Physically, mentally, or emotionally) to survive a possible future. You can’t take it with you. I once saw a bumper sticker on an RV that said, I’m spending my kid’s inheritance.
Modernized Verse 60
It's important for men to know how to plan,
how much wood to keep you warm in the winter,
how much money to save for emergencies.
Old Verse 60
Of seasoned shingles and strips of bark
For the thatch let one know his need,
And how much of wood he must have for a month,
Or in half a year he will use.
My Comment: We’ve seen how natural disasters can disrupt our plans. Be prepared to tough out a bad situation.
Modernized Verse 76
Everything and everyone dies,
you too will one day die.
But I know one thing that never dies,
fame and a good reputation for one who has earned it.
Old Verse 76
Cattle die, and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
But a noble name will never die,
If good renown one gets.
My Comment: Be true to your beliefs. Physical survival means little, if you are morally compromised.
Modernized Verse 116
Listen to me Loddfafnir,
and pay attention to what I have to say,
it's advice you will surely use.
If you are planning a long journey,
ensure you have enough food.
Old Verse 116
I rede thee, Loddfafnir!
and hear thou my rede,
Profit thou hast if thou hearest,
Great thy gain if thou learnest:
If o'er mountains or gulfs thou fain wouldst go,
Look well to thy food for the way.
My Comment: How well would you survive if the food delivery system were disrupted?
As I’ve said before, there is a lot of good advice in the book. I was glad that the original translation was included, as I had differing views of how to interpret some of the passages. The author agreed with some of my observations, but said that a teacher at Reykjavik University in Iceland made the final call.
The beauty of reading these old documents is that you can interpret them according to your own experience and incorporate them into your own world view.
You can get the book from, both as a Kindle ebook and as a paperback.
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