Friday, July 8, 2011

Tempus Fugit!

I hadn't realized how long it's been since I posted an entry here.  Is my life that dull or am I just that lazy. Don't bother answering that question, Mary.

I'm now getting ready to make wine and beer at home.  I made wine thirty years ago.  Some good and some bad.  Then I started traveling for work and I gave up.  So now I'm going to start again. 

When I researched equipment, I realized that wine and beer are similar in making.  The difference is that, with beer, you have to do a boil step before you begin fermenting.  This means extra equipment.  Then I attended a beer brewing event and saw about ten guys making beer.  Some did a simple extract kit brew, but others did an elaborate "all-grain" brew that requires a lot more equipment.  This looked like fun, because is represented an engineering design challenge. But then, the equipment cost quadrupled.

So I'm starting out small, with a turkey fryer and an extract kit.  If that works, I'll move on.  If it doesn't, Brew Hoo!