Friday, June 1, 2012

Missing post?

I would have sworn that I posted entries since the last one listed.  I must be getting senile.

I've been reading some survivalist posts.  When I was an active backpacker many years ago, survival meant staying alive if a disaster struck while in the wilderness.  Today, survival means many different things.

Some people are worried abut natural disasters, like Katrina, Fujiwara, or Three Mile Island.  Others are worried about an economic collapse.  Some think the the end of the world as we know it will happen, as the government fails and we are thrown into anarchy.

Whatever the reason, people are hunkering down and setting up survival conditions in their homes.  This may not be a bad thing, as one person noted.  When he was laid off, his family had six months of food to live on.

People are also starting to think about self sufficiency, learning new homesteading skills and growing their own food, even setting up chicken coops.

Many years ago, I had read that rural poor live better than urban poor, because they can grow some food and keep some "free range" chickens.

A few people are starting to look at urban survival.  There are articles on growing food on your windowsill and how to repair worn clothing.

I think this may be a healthy trend, but one that may not last as the recession fades.

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