Sunday, January 13, 2013


The day is almost done and I almost forgot my new year resolution.  Short term memory is the second thing to go.  What is the first?  I forget. (old Laugh-in joke).

Anyway, I brewed the barleywine and it is in the fermenter cooking away.  Fermenting that is.  There is no heat applied.

Last night we had a party to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Berks County Homebrew Club.  I've only been a member for 1.5 years.  Whenever you join a group, there is a period where you feel like the newbie.  In a blink of an eye, you are one of the old guard.  So it goes.

When I get into a new activity, I do a ton of research.  I download articles and read books and magazines and make a lot of mistakes through trial and error.

After a while it becomes old hat.  Sometimes it takes a few years.  Other times it takes decades.  Is it that I become jaded or does something else seem more exciting?

Let me know what you think.


C J Ferguson said...

Like you Don, a fine wine improves with age.. But since you have a brain that needs constant stimulation you brew and drink beer while waiting..

Don said...

The brewing stimulates the brain. The drinking, eh?